We Do That.
If you want a financially secure retirement, you’ll need to think first about what you want it to look like, when you want to retire and how you will pay for it.
Statistics show that Canadians are living longer, this means that it is important to create retirement income large enough to meet your needs, predictable enough to make plans and sustainable enough to last if you need it. While the challenges facing today’s retirees differ greatly from those faced by our parents and grandparents, the same can be said of “opportunities”. With the wide variety of investment products available today, you have the potential to create a substantial savings for retirement, but with such a vast array of complex and diverse investment options, it can be an overwhelming task. If you begin saving early enough then you will have greater chance of achieving your retirement goals.
What do I need to consider when thinking about my retirement plan?
While you consider your retirement plan it is important to ensure that you have:
- Taken advantage of government sponsored, tax-deferred retirement plans
- Maximized employer benefits and pension plans
- Thought about what to do with extra cash; pay down debt, save for retirement or both
- Eliminated or have a plan to eliminate consumer debt
- An understanding of how inflation will impact your retirement plan
- The right information about income splitting strategies
- Encouraging financial independence for your family
What do I need to consider when investing?
There is always going to be uncertainty about the direction of the markets that is why it is important to remember that staying invested has almost always been the best course of action to take over the long-term. It has been proven that staying invested is usually the most effective approach to building long-term wealth.
- Understanding Markets and Long-Term Investing
- Today vs. Great Depression
- RRSP Grows Tax Free: Retirement – On Your Own Terms
- RRSP or Capital Gains: The Advantages of Both an Open Account and an RRSP
At CIC Financial, we take the time to review all aspects of your personal financial situation in assisting you to create a solid long-term retirement plan. We have the expertise and knowledge to objectively lay out a step-by-step plan that brings you closer to your retirement goals. The key is to stick with the plan, keeping your retirement vision in full view. Everyone’s situation is unique and so is the service we provide.
How do I get started with CIC Financial?
Simply contact our office 905.304.8342 to arrange a free no-obligation consultation.