We Do That.

Many believe that Estate Planning is only for the wealthy and elderly, a common misconception. CIC Financial assists you in establishing a well-prepared estate plan that allows you to choose your beneficiaries, maximize your assets and minimize your taxes and costs.

Most importantly, we can help with peace of mind in knowing that your estate will be handled as you intended. The point of estate planning is to prepare for the unexpected and there is no better time to plan than now.

We also assist your Beneficiaries/Executors with the following:

  • All paperwork relating to transferring your accounts
  • All insurance claim forms and Employer Pension
    Plan forms
  • CPP Death Benefits, OAS Survivor Benefits
  • Final Tax Return and Estate Return

Why do I need an estate plan?

Two out of three adult Canadians do not have a will.  Over 50% of them have children.  One out of four Canadians will die suddenly. You can’t take the risk that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will end up with more money because of poor tax and estate planning.

With customized strategic tax and estate planning techniques, you can maximize the net assets available for those you want to remember, by eliminating, minimizing or delaying the tax. You can also avoid potential legal problems such as someone challenging your estate to obtain financial benefit. There are special situations where customized tax and legal strategies are required such as common-law relationships, blended families etc. Prudent planning can provide peace of mind that government coffers are not financial beneficiaries of your estate.

How do I get started with CIC Financial?

Simply contact our office 905.304.8342 to arrange a free no-obligation consultation.